
10 Date Night Ideas

It’s probably safe to say a lot of us have gotten stuck coming up with new date night ideas lately that are fun yet allow us to social distance from others. Some people still aren’t comfortable going out to eat since it can pose somewhat of a risk depending on the dining set up inside certain restaurants. Because of this, here are some date night ideas that don’t involve dining in at a restaurant and will hopefully help you and your significant other enjoy a memorable evening together!

  1. Have a candlelit dinner with takeout or something you cooked together. Some of our favorite takeout options include pasta & salad from Olive Garden, pizza and dessert from Cupinis, or anything from Gates BBQ. It’s always nice to have the food all ready to eat but if you want to try cooking something together, this can include making pizza from scratch, bake some salmon with your favorite sides, or take the “breakfast for dinner” route!
  2. Get your favorite dessert from your favorite place. Lately, David has been wanting to go to The Cheesecake Factory to pick up a slice of cheesecake for dessert. It’s a good alternative to spending money on a whole meal somewhere, but at the same time still gives us some time out of the house. We don’t do this often but on the days when we want something sweet, we’ll pick a place that sounds good to both of us. Most of the time, I’m the one with the sweet tooth and I choose Baskin Robbins for their bubblegum ice cream. You can check out their current deals here.
  3. Reminisce with some old photos or videos over a glass of your favorite wine [or food]. Our one-year wedding anniversary this year looked a little different than we had originally pictured. Our trip to the Caribbean got canceled so we spent the day eating whatever we wanted and watched our wedding video on repeat as well as the raw video footage. We also looked at photos from our wedding day and went through the photo booth album which had a bunch of sweet messages from our guests to us. It was nice to look back on and relive one of the most meaningful days to us. But reminiscing on old photos doesn’t have to be from a big event. Sometimes David and I will find ourselves going through old photos on our phones and cracking up at some of the stuff we find that we had forgotten about.
  4. Taste test a favorite item from a few different places. If you’re anything like me, you love a certain food but only from certain places. Take fries, for example, this could be a fun way to get your snack craving in, while actually deciding which place has the best fries!
  5. Rent bikes or ride scooters around town. Before electric scooters around town were a thing, David and I actually had our own scooters that we went and bought at Walmart together LOL. We liked riding these around park trails to get some time outside and avoid the fact that I never learned how to ride a bike. 🤣
  6. Volunteer together. To find some volunteering opportunities, click here. Currently, I see a lot of need for delivering meals to homes or shelters, but the options for volunteering are endless. It helps to go together to motivate each other and give twice as much help!
  7. Take time to celebrate the milestones. Do you ever look at the calendar and remember it’s the “anniversary” of something random? Whether it’s the day you finished paying off your student loans, closed on a house, or said “yes” to dating each other, celebrate it! We often get too busy day-to-day to recognize the milestones (big or small) that have gotten us to where we are now so it’s important to look back on everything that has contributed to your journey as a couple.
  8. Have a game night. Chose a game you both enjoy and you can even make bets on it such as “loser has to do the dishes”. 😜 David and I don’t own very many games, but we do really enjoy watching and interacting with Family Feud, which is basically the same thing, right? The games we do have right now include Monopoly, Blokus, and a Jenga “drinking game”.
  9. Earn points with the Shopkick app. If you’re out and about already, take advantage and earn some points with the Shopkick app. There are a number of points you can earn from scanning or purchasing certain items and once you reach a certain amount, you can redeem them for a gift card! I’ve done this for a few years now and have earned over $200 with it. You can even earn points for just walking into a store. This could be a good add-on to a date night if you’re already going out to get groceries, especially because if you’re each using your own phones, it’s like earning double the points. I’ve redeemed my points before for a $50 gift card to The Cheesecake Factory, which we used for another date night! 😛
  10. Have a spa night. Ok, some guys might not be down for this but I imagine more would be since it would be in the privacy of their own home! Even something as simple as soaking your feet in a foot bath or applying a clay face mask can get you very relaxed! Whatever you choose, don’t forget to add the nice touch of a hot towel on your legs or face just like at the spa! 🧖🏻‍♀️ 🧖🏻

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