Showing 3 Result(s)

Vine Coolers – KC Wine Co.

If you have ever been to KC Wine Co., you’ve most likely tried one of their wine slushies (YUM!). Well, lucky for us all, it’s that time of year again when they come out with their flavorful Vine Coolers! The four flavors offered are: Frozen Sangria (my favorite) Winearita Peach Bellini Lemoncello This year, you can find Vine Coolers for pick-up at the winery, select local grocery stores or at a KC Royals game! To find a local store near you: Click Here


What’s it like flying in the US right now?

I asked myself this question a lot before leaving for our family vacation a couple of weeks ago. Airlines claim to be disinfecting in between flights and assure us they are doing their part to keep us safe. I couldn’t help but feel skeptical, especially because part of feeling safe in a flight involves everybody doing their part, not just the airlines, but the passengers as well. This includes wearing a mask AND keeping it on during the entire duration of the flight. I made sure to research what airlines were doing before our trip but I was still extremely …